Put a reminder in your calendar for
The 100X Summit
with Paul Mampilly Hosted by Corinna Sullivan
using the links below.
On April 7 at 8 p.m. EDT, you’ll discover the breakthrough Paul has developed to find stocks with the extraordinary potential to soar 10,000% or more — including the three stocks that he is calling “his biggest recommendations to date.”
Read Our Latest Updates!
We’ll be dropping exclusive content here every day before the main event. Click the links to learn more about Paul’s most ambitious project to date!
Final Message From Paul
Paul here. This is it. Tonight we go live with my biggest event ever … the 100X Summit. This, in many ways, is the culmination of my career. This is a bigger opportunity than investing with me during my Wall Street days. It’s bigger than anything I’ve unveiled to this...
We’re 1 Day Out!
The 100X Summit is one day away. I’m hosting this one at 8 p.m. EDT tomorrow to make it a little easier for you all. I understand many of you are busy and still working during the day. Today I want to take an opportunity to speak candidly with you....
Your Answers to My Question: “Tell Me Your Best Stock Market Story”
Today I want to share your responses to the question I asked when you signed up for the 100X Summit. I asked you all to tell me your best stock market story, either one you personally have or one you heard of from a friend or family member. I loved reading your...
My Talk with a Former Wall Street Legend
Hi everyone! It’s Corrina Sullivan. I have the pleasure of helping Paul host the 100X Summit on Tuesday. I recently had the pleasure to sit down with Paul for a brief one-on-one where we talked a little about what folks can expect during the Summit. Paul gives a lot...
Why Wall Street Doesn’t Want You to Buy “100X Stocks”
Yesterday I told you that hundreds of stocks have achieved 100X gains over the years. It begs the question… If hundreds of stocks have achieved this feat, why do so many people insist that gains of this magnitude aren’t possible? There’s a simple explanation. And once...
Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Buy “100X Stocks”
By Paul Mampilly I have great news for you today. I’ve spent much time these last several months researching “100X stocks.” And I think you’re going to love what I’ve discovered. First, I want to be clear. 100X stocks are incredibly, extremely rare. They’re the “holy...
Here’s Why I’m Launching My Biggest Project to Date
By Paul Mampilly I’m an optimist by nature. Everything I've studied is pointing to a MASSIVE new bull run in stocks. That’s why I’m launching my biggest project ever. A way for you to target stocks with the rare potential to surge 100X in price. I’m not talking about...
My Mission to Find 100X Gains
Most people think 100X gains are a myth. Sure, we all know about stocks like Apple, Amazon and Microsoft that have done it. But beyond those extreme cases, most people think 100X gains are extremely rare … some people even think they’re unheard of. Here’s the truth....
An Important Message From Paul Mampilly
“On April 7, I’m going LIVE with my biggest project to date.”
Dear 100X Summit Attendee,
Thank you for signing up to attend the 100X Summit on April 7 at 8 p.m. EDT.
First, the 100X Summit is going to be my BIGGEST event to date.
This is not hyperbole. You’ll understand what I mean once I show you the facts.
You may not realize this, but for many years I was actually restricted in the types of stocks I could buy for my former Wall Street clients.
I was limited to buying small stakes in the market’s biggest stocks … stocks that were already mature and whose upside was limited.
I hated these constraints. Still, I helped our hedge fund grow from $1 billion to $6 billion.
We did very well. Amazing, in fact.
But for a long time I wondered … what would’ve happened if I could have purchased stakes in the market’s tinieststocks…
The stocks that showed all the signs of becoming the market titans of tomorrow … but due to arbitrary Wall Street restrictions, I wasn’t able to buy for my clients?
Here’s the beauty of what I do now. I no longer have that problem.
I don’t have the problem of finding stocks I can invest billions of dollars into like I did in my Wall Street days.
Now, I’m recommending stocks to Main Street Americans. Those who follow my recommendations are investing such little money by comparison the market can barely detect it.
That gives us the freedom to go after the market’s hidden gems.
Stocks that are trading completely off the radar … get virtually no media or analyst coverage … and that Wall Street is completely blind to. And yet could make you rich with a single $1,000 or $10,000 investment.
I’m not talking about no-name penny stocks, either. Nor am I talking about IPOs or private placements.
I’m talking about businesses that are trading on the major exchanges as we speak — stocks that in many cases are the leading innovators in their fields, but that are so small, no one’s looking at them.
I’m talking about getting in on the ground floor of tiny stocks that I believe could grow into S&P 500 companies this decade.
Now stocks this tiny are inherently riskier and more volatile. That’s why I don’t recommend betting more than you can stand to lose on these stocks. But the great thing is that you don’t need to invest a ton. If you invest a small amount in a stock that surges 100X, you’re set for life.
During the 100X Summit, I’ll show you multiple examples of the most exceptional stocks that achieved 100X gains in as little as four years.
In fact, I’ll even show you how I’m personally sitting on a stock that has already seen gains of 30X since the time I bought it — using the same set of criteria I’m going to share with you at the summit.
And I’ll pull back the curtain on three stocks — trading for $2, $3 and $5 respectively — that I believe have all the necessary ingredients to surge 100X from today’s prices.
These are easily my biggest recommendations ever — at least 10 times bigger than any stock I’ve recommended to date.
And hitting just one 100X gain would truly be a once-in-a-lifetime score — something most investors only dream of, and that few ever do.
To say they are rare would be an understatement. But they’re not unheard of. In fact, during the summit, I’ll show you how HUNDREDS of stocks have achieved these gains. Even if we come up short, I believe the biggest returns I’ve ever recommended will come from these stocks.
I’ll reveal everything and more at the 100X Summit.
The event will air live April 7 at 8 p.m. EDT. Make sure you mark your calendar using the options below.
We’ll be in touch everyday leading up to the event. I’ll be sharing exclusive content including why I started this project, what I’ve investigated and why I believe you could see returns of 100X or more in the next few years.
I look forward to sharing all the details with you.
Paul Mampilly
Editor, Profits Unlimited
Here’s What People Are Saying About Paul Mampilly!
In one year, my portfolio is up $115,000.
I’ve been with you since the beginning. Because of you, I am now up $350,000 on my total portfolio.
My total profit is $1,109,307.44. Please feel free to share this to let people know your system works.
I began a couple years ago with initial working capital of about $120K. Today, I AM A MILLIONAIRE.
For the last two years we have averaged $61,000 per month in realized gains. And all of this with an average portfolio worth under $1,500,000. If I told this to anyone else they’d think I was lying!
My entire portfolio is up 36%. I didn’t know this kind of growth was possible!
Overall, I am up over $120,000. YAHOO!!! My biggest winner was PayPal, up $49,500 in about 2 years.
Using your plan, with only a few stocks, my portfolio is up 52.67% for the year! Thanks so much!!