My Mission to Find 100X Gains
Most people think 100X gains are a myth.
Sure, we all know about stocks like Apple, Amazon and Microsoft that have done it. But beyond those extreme cases, most people think 100X gains are extremely rare … some people even think they’re unheard of.
Here’s the truth. It takes a lot of hard work and conviction to go after 100X gains. These returns aren’t for the faint of heart. They’re very rare … like mining diamonds in the rough.
But they do happen. And historically, quite a bit more than most people would think.
Consider the evidence…
I came across two studies spanning two separate 40 year periods that each found over 300 stocks that soared 100X. So right there, we’re already looking at over 600 stocks that have achieved these gains. One of those studies even identified 187 stocks that hit 100X gains during one of the worst bear markets on record.
Think about that! Even in a period when the market went nowhere, nearly 200 stocks went on to achieve 100X gains.
That’s why I started looking into this on my own.
I began studying the literally HUNDREDS of stocks that have achieved these gains over the years and started looking for commonalities. Criteria I could identify that a vast majority of them showed before they surged 100X.
It’s taken me years of research. That’s why I’ve avoided recommending stocks of this advanced caliber up until this point.
But I’m happy to say, I’ve finally done it.
I’m not going to get into the details now. I want you to tune into the 100X Summit, April 6 at 8 p.m. EDT to find out. This really is going to be my biggest event to date.
We have never delved into this part of the market before. But THIS is where the big money can happen. I’m talking about the kinds of returns that can grow 100 times from your purchase price. Stocks that are so small and so under the radar that you can get in now before Wall Street gobbles them up down the road.
To give you an idea of the potential here … my biggest personal gain ever is a stock I’m currently still invested in that has already surged 30X from my purchase price. And I think it’s going to go a lot higher.
And here’s the thing — I found this stock using the exact criteria I’m going to share with you at the summit.
Here’s where it gets better. I’ve found three stocks with this criteria — and I’m giving folks a first look during the summit.
The beautiful thing is that even though these stocks are small, you can buy them through pretty much any brokerage account. Fidelity, Schwab … any of the big ones have them. Some of them are even trading on Robinhood which has a relatively limited selection of stocks.
Point is, these aren’t no-name penny stocks. And they’re not private placements you have to go through a bunch of steps to get into. As soon as you have the ticker symbols, you can go online or call your broker and buy them right away.
I’ll let you know how you can get the names of these stocks and more to come during the summit.
These are, plain and simple, going to be my biggest recommendations to date. These stocks are currently trading for around $2, $3 and $5 respectively. As you know, smaller stocks are inherently riskier, but I think each have all the right elements in place to surge 100X in time.
Hitting just one would truly be a once-in-a-lifetime event — something most investors only dream of, and that few ever do. But this time, we’re really going for it. We’re picking small stocks that have the best chance of soaring 100X. If all of them fall, and just ONE hits it … you’ll be set for life.
I’m looking forward to telling you everything at the summit. But I’m going to be dropping details, here, on this website every day leading up to the event. We’ll cover:
- Several examples of stocks that have surged 100X and how (I’ll give you a sneak peek at some of the criteria I’ll share during the summit).
- The incredible reason why Wall Street wants you to think 100X returns are impossible.
- How, in many ways, my “100X stock strategy” is all about getting back to the basics (you’re going to love it).
- Why I’ve waited until now to start recommending stocks with this incredible potential.
- And how my entire career, in many ways, has been leading to this exact moment.
Just check this website every day for new, exclusive content from my host, Corrina Sullivan, or me for the event.
Stay tuned for more big updates. And see you April 6 at 8 p.m. EDT for the 100X Summit.
Paul Mampilly